little scare

I got a voicemail from Bre saying she thought Ty was getting sick for the first time and that made me rush home from work and try to help out. He was better than when she called and I was relieved. He's resting pretty good, just a little restless. What a guy. It's great to just watch him and check on him, but it's nerve racking. You just never want to let him out of your sight. It's always in the back of your mind. The "what if" factor. Luckily, Sabrina and I have an opportunity to take care of our Angel in shifts. Most people don't have that luxury. We are truly blessed.
We are taking him to Michigan on Sunday for his first out of state trip. 3 hours in the truck should be interesting. I think all will go well though. Can't wait for a little alone time with Mommy and baby....doing nothing if we want. Should be very relaxing. Might not be a blog for a while though with the trip and all. God Speed and Ami...I am thinking of you and all that's on your shoulders right now. You are great and doing a wonderful think for those two kids.
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