Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Indiana Beach, Uncle Raul passes away, and Tyson learn to ride a bike!!!

We try and get up to Indiana Beach at least once a summer. This time it was the McGill employee picnic again. Bill and Vicki, Jeremey, Steph and Zeke along with the Barker's all headed up to Monticello. It was a great day, but like usual, the boys were good for as long as they could be, then, post-naptime....look out. But Daddy had to work anyway, so we just packed it in and cranked up the a/c and the boys were out before we got out of the parking lot. It was a great day.

My Cuban Uncle, Raul Cabeza passed away this summer and I went to Dallas for the funeral. It was so great to be out there for it. The memorial was so beautiful and personal. I asked my aunt Phyl if I could play at the begining as people were finding their seats. I just wanted to try and add a little bit more of a personal touch. But the stories that were told were so moving. I guess I didn't realize Uncle Raul was only the fourth pilot ever hired by a brand new airline "Southwest"!! Right out of Purdue, still a Cuban national, he defected and became an American. Too many stories to try and type them all now, but he will forever be missed.

I guess when I got home I was more than just a little shocked to see my (almost) three year old, Tyson, riding a bike like a champ!!! When I left for the funeral, he had literally no concept of forward propulsion. No idea how to push his feet in a circle and make the bike go. And in a span of less than 3 days he was cruising....FEARLESS!!! I was so proud. Took about an hour of the most boring video, but it was so great seeing him on that thing. He would take a fall here and there, but nowhere near as much as I would have guessed him to. Must have had a great teacher.....Mommy!!


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