First cold last week

Hey gang
This is going to be short because I just screwed up and erased the post I have been doing for about an hour. Oh well. Anyway...the short of it is Ty got his first cold last Wednesday and in a panic attack when I thought he couldn't breathe we rushed him to the emergency room at 2 AM. It was a long night, but he passed all the tests and just the peace of mind was great. He's doing a lot better and still has some battles with the sniffles, but I hope by the weekend he'll be 100%.
He did help mom and dad out with some tree removal over the weekend. Grandma Lake supervised and Grandpa Lake, Uncle Jeremey, Mom and Dad all tried to tear up the front yard. It looks so much better now though.
Grandma B came over Monday night and helped out with the bath and actually put Ty down for bed, giving him his bottle and rocking him into dreamland. We are blessed with wonderful grandparents and great grandparents.
Ty's 3 month pictures came in and despite his enormous cuteness, we were able to resist buying another $800 worth of pictures...thank you mommy for being the voice of reason!! We love you!! Target photo we come.
Ok...hopefully I don't screw this up and you are able to read this. Have a great week and we'll let you know what's new in Ty's life soon.
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