Mommy's Birthday today!!!!

Hey guys,
Hope you are having a great week. It's Thursday, November 17th, 2005 and mommy turned 28 today!! But we really celebrated on Wednesday when we spent the day in Indy shopping at Keystone and Castleton Malls. Also, we visited Kittles and The Tile Shop before dinner at the Mongolian Grill. Ty slept most of the day, but when he was awake he was such a good little boy. We met Carter at Keystone who's parents had to MAYBE be 19. He was cute though and Ty was almost as big!!
This week has been pretty mild. Ty still has a little bit of his cold, but it's almost gone and we have our 4 month doctor visit coming up on Monday. A little bit of TMI...but we ran out of the 308 bags of frozen milk yesterday!! It's now all formula from here on out. Can we talk poop? Damn...scrape the bottom of Lake Freeman and all that silt....oh's in his diaper man. Wow...
But not too much really new. He's really grabbing well and we have discovered a few tickle spots on him now. Armpits, under the chin and the old standard....belly. He loves to be held upside down for some reason. He must not have acid reflux yet. Chewing on his "Moo Chew" is a favorite. A bit over 18 pounds and not much hair. Nichole babysat for him on Tuesday while mommy was teaching dance and daddy was carrying his bowling team to victory over the number 1 team in our league. Oh yeah baby.
Stay tuned for future updates and have a great weekend...go boilers and make up for an awful season...stomp the hoosiers this Saturday.
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