Happy Valentines Day!!
I want to wish you all a great day with your significant other and hope that this mild winter keeps up. Two completely different thoughts, but it's very late at night!!
Ty has been wonderful. Going on 7 months Feb. 22. He's 23 pounds and 29 inches long!! Really trying hard to crawl, but just comes up a bit short. I would say that his drooling/teething has increased, but it's been like this since month two or three. I do think he is close to cutting his first tooth though.
On Dad's birthday, Feb. 12, Ty tried "real food" for the first time. Squash...yummy!! (Just the smell of it brings me close to puking)...but Mommy says for Daddy not to act like it's yucky, because Ty will pick up on that. Ok...but it will take all of my acting skills. He starts out like he likes it, and then after about 4 bites kind of backs off. We don't force it on him, so it's his choice to continue or to stop eating.
He likes his babysitters. Dad's best friend Sid's sister, Taha looks after Ty in the mornings while Dad sleeps in. It's all good out in the country!!
The kitchen is done and all of Ty's stuff is in it's rightfull place. Makes it a lot more easy to make bottles and be quicker late at night when he wakes up. Plus...the "test track" is open. That's the lap we do when Ty is really bored around the entire house in a stroller. One lap is about 110 steps. Probably close to 50+ yards. Sometimes we have been known to do more than 10 of those laps in a row!! Gotta love that.
Warmer weather is just around the corner. Ty and Dad went to Burton Pools to check on the opening of the pool...mid April. We have been pretty blessed so far with a comfortable winter. Hope Spring makes an early appearance. Have a great month of February.
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